Creating a module

Before creating a module, make sure you have read the how to add a module guide.

Once you have created a new module, you can start adding systems and components to it.

Base Module class

Each module should have a base class that inherits from engine::module::IModule. This class should have a constructor that takes an ECS::EntityManager as an argument. The constructor should register all the systems and components of the module.

namespace engine::module {

class PrintHello : public IModule {
    ECS::S::PrintHelloSystem printhelloSystem;

    ECS::S::PrintHelloNode PrintHelloNode;
        PrintHelloNode("PrintHello", {&printhelloSystem})

    void load(ECS::EntityManager &entityManager) override
        LOG_INFO("Loading PrintHello module");
        if (!entityManager.registerFixedSystemNode(PrintHelloNode, FIXED_ROOT_SYS_GROUP)) {
            LOG_ERROR("Failed to register PrintHello system node");


Registering the module

To make the module available in the game, you need to add it mannually.

#include "modules/PrintHello/PrintHello.hpp"

auto main() -> int
    ECS::EntityManager em;
    engine::module::PrintHello printHello(em);
